Motocross Carb Setup

Want more power from your Bike?

We can fit a MX ZONE carburettor tuning kit. This will improve performance and enables us to tune the fuel to air ratio to match any aftermarket performance parts or exhausts you may have fitted.

MX Zone Carburettor Setup comprises of:

  • Before and after Dyno Runs
  • Fuelling assessment
  • Kit Fitting
  • Power Runs
  • Fine Tune
  • Before and after graph
  • Before we fit the MX Zone Carb Kit we do a power run. This is compared to the finished power, torque and air/fuel ratio output. This will clearly show how much of an improvement the MX Zone Carb Kit fitted to the motorcycle / Motocross Bike has produced.

Fuelling Assessment

Our tuning team analyse your current fuel/air ratio and choose the recommended jets and needles for your Motocross bike.

Kit Fitting

The carburettor is stripped and the MX Zone carburettor kit is fitted to your motorcycle.

Power Runs

Our tuning team will then run various power runs to determine the level of tune achieved and assesses any fine tuning that may be required to create the best HP, torque and throttle responce gains for your motorcycle.

Fine Tune

The final stage is stripping the carburettor again, refitting fine tuned jets and needles to achieve the maximum power gain for the motorcycle. This tuning stage will ensure the optimum performance is achieved.


Single Cylinder Carb Setup £200.00 (Including Jets)

Multi Cylinder Carb Setup £450.00 (including Jets)

Single Dyno Power Run £80.00